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6154 const-ify segment ops structures

@@ -8366,12 +8366,12 @@
          * segdev is allowed here as it is already locked.  This allows
          * for memory exported by drivers through mmap() (which is already
          * locked) to be allowed for LONGTERM.
         if (flags & DDI_UMEMLOCK_LONGTERM) {
-                extern  struct seg_ops segspt_shmops;
-                extern  struct seg_ops segdev_ops;
+                extern const struct seg_ops segspt_shmops;
+                extern const struct seg_ops segdev_ops;
                 AS_LOCK_ENTER(as, &as->a_lock, RW_READER);
                 for (seg = as_segat(as, addr); ; seg = AS_SEGNEXT(as, seg)) {
                         if (seg == NULL || seg->s_base > addr + len)
                         if (seg->s_ops == &segdev_ops)