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5042 stop using deprecated atomic functions

 572                         if (delta < 0) {
 573                                 newtime = gethrtime_unscaled();
 574                                 delta = newtime - hrlb;
 575                         }
 576                         t->t_hrtime = newtime;
 577                         scalehrtime(&delta);
 578                         pctcpu = t->t_pctcpu;
 579                         npctcpu = cpu_grow(pctcpu, delta);
 580                 } else {
 581                         hrlb = t->t_hrtime;
 582                         delta = newtime - hrlb;
 583                         if (delta < 0) {
 584                                 newtime = gethrtime_unscaled();
 585                                 delta = newtime - hrlb;
 586                         }
 587                         t->t_hrtime = newtime;
 588                         scalehrtime(&delta);
 589                         pctcpu = t->t_pctcpu;
 590                         npctcpu = cpu_decay(pctcpu, delta);
 591                 }
 592         } while (cas32(&t->t_pctcpu, pctcpu, npctcpu) != pctcpu);
 594         return (npctcpu);
 595 }
 597 /*
 598  * Change the microstate level for the LWP and update the
 599  * associated accounting information.  Return the previous
 600  * LWP state.
 601  */
 602 int
 603 new_mstate(kthread_t *t, int new_state)
 604 {
 605         struct mstate *ms;
 606         unsigned state;
 607         hrtime_t *mstimep;
 608         hrtime_t curtime;
 609         hrtime_t newtime;
 610         hrtime_t oldtime;
 611         hrtime_t ztime;
 612         hrtime_t origstart;

 640                 case LMS_TFAULT:
 641                 case LMS_DFAULT:
 642                 case LMS_KFAULT:
 643                 case LMS_USER_LOCK:
 644                         mstimep = &ms->ms_acct[LMS_SYSTEM];
 645                         break;
 646                 default:
 647                         mstimep = &ms->ms_acct[state];
 648                         break;
 649                 }
 650                 ztime = newtime = curtime - ms->ms_state_start;
 651                 if (newtime < 0) {
 652                         curtime = gethrtime_unscaled();
 653                         oldtime = *mstimep - 1; /* force CAS to fail */
 654                         continue;
 655                 }
 656                 oldtime = *mstimep;
 657                 newtime += oldtime;
 658                 t->t_mstate = new_state;
 659                 ms->ms_state_start = curtime;
 660         } while (cas64((uint64_t *)mstimep, oldtime, newtime) != oldtime);

 662         /*
 663          * When the system boots the initial startup thread will have a
 664          * ms_state_start of 0 which would add a huge system time to the global
 665          * zone.  We want to skip aggregating that initial bit of work.
 666          */
 667         if (origstart != 0) {
 668                 z = ttozone(t);
 669                 if (state == LMS_USER)
 670                         atomic_add_64(&z->zone_utime, ztime);
 671                 else if (state == LMS_SYSTEM)
 672                         atomic_add_64(&z->zone_stime, ztime);
 673         }
 675         /*
 676          * Remember the previous running microstate.
 677          */
 678         if (state != LMS_SLEEP && state != LMS_STOPPED)
 679                 ms->ms_prev = state;

 764                 case LMS_USER_LOCK:
 765                         mstimep = &ms->ms_acct[LMS_SYSTEM];
 766                         break;
 767                 default:
 768                         mstimep = &ms->ms_acct[t->t_mstate];
 769                         break;
 770                 }
 771                 waitrq = t->t_waitrq;        /* hopefully atomic */
 772                 if (waitrq == 0) {
 773                         waitrq = curtime;
 774                 }
 775                 t->t_waitrq = 0;
 776                 newtime = waitrq - ms->ms_state_start;
 777                 if (newtime < 0) {
 778                         curtime = gethrtime_unscaled();
 779                         oldtime = *mstimep - 1; /* force CAS to fail */
 780                         continue;
 781                 }
 782                 oldtime = *mstimep;
 783                 newtime += oldtime;
 784         } while (cas64((uint64_t *)mstimep, oldtime, newtime) != oldtime);

 786         /*
 787          * Update the WAIT_CPU timer and per-cpu waitrq total.
 788          */
 789         z = ttozone(t);
 790         waittime = curtime - waitrq;
 791         ms->ms_acct[LMS_WAIT_CPU] += waittime;
 792         atomic_add_64(&z->zone_wtime, waittime);
 793         CPU->cpu_waitrq += waittime;
 794         ms->ms_state_start = curtime;
 795 }
 797 /*
 798  * Copy lwp microstate accounting and resource usage information
 799  * to the process.  (lwp is terminating)
 800  */
 801 void
 802 term_mstate(kthread_t *t)
 803 {
 804         struct mstate *ms;

 572                         if (delta < 0) {
 573                                 newtime = gethrtime_unscaled();
 574                                 delta = newtime - hrlb;
 575                         }
 576                         t->t_hrtime = newtime;
 577                         scalehrtime(&delta);
 578                         pctcpu = t->t_pctcpu;
 579                         npctcpu = cpu_grow(pctcpu, delta);
 580                 } else {
 581                         hrlb = t->t_hrtime;
 582                         delta = newtime - hrlb;
 583                         if (delta < 0) {
 584                                 newtime = gethrtime_unscaled();
 585                                 delta = newtime - hrlb;
 586                         }
 587                         t->t_hrtime = newtime;
 588                         scalehrtime(&delta);
 589                         pctcpu = t->t_pctcpu;
 590                         npctcpu = cpu_decay(pctcpu, delta);
 591                 }
 592         } while (atomic_cas_32(&t->t_pctcpu, pctcpu, npctcpu) != pctcpu);
 594         return (npctcpu);
 595 }
 597 /*
 598  * Change the microstate level for the LWP and update the
 599  * associated accounting information.  Return the previous
 600  * LWP state.
 601  */
 602 int
 603 new_mstate(kthread_t *t, int new_state)
 604 {
 605         struct mstate *ms;
 606         unsigned state;
 607         hrtime_t *mstimep;
 608         hrtime_t curtime;
 609         hrtime_t newtime;
 610         hrtime_t oldtime;
 611         hrtime_t ztime;
 612         hrtime_t origstart;

 640                 case LMS_TFAULT:
 641                 case LMS_DFAULT:
 642                 case LMS_KFAULT:
 643                 case LMS_USER_LOCK:
 644                         mstimep = &ms->ms_acct[LMS_SYSTEM];
 645                         break;
 646                 default:
 647                         mstimep = &ms->ms_acct[state];
 648                         break;
 649                 }
 650                 ztime = newtime = curtime - ms->ms_state_start;
 651                 if (newtime < 0) {
 652                         curtime = gethrtime_unscaled();
 653                         oldtime = *mstimep - 1; /* force CAS to fail */
 654                         continue;
 655                 }
 656                 oldtime = *mstimep;
 657                 newtime += oldtime;
 658                 t->t_mstate = new_state;
 659                 ms->ms_state_start = curtime;
 660         } while (atomic_cas_64((uint64_t *)mstimep, oldtime, newtime) !=
 661             oldtime);
 663         /*
 664          * When the system boots the initial startup thread will have a
 665          * ms_state_start of 0 which would add a huge system time to the global
 666          * zone.  We want to skip aggregating that initial bit of work.
 667          */
 668         if (origstart != 0) {
 669                 z = ttozone(t);
 670                 if (state == LMS_USER)
 671                         atomic_add_64(&z->zone_utime, ztime);
 672                 else if (state == LMS_SYSTEM)
 673                         atomic_add_64(&z->zone_stime, ztime);
 674         }
 676         /*
 677          * Remember the previous running microstate.
 678          */
 679         if (state != LMS_SLEEP && state != LMS_STOPPED)
 680                 ms->ms_prev = state;

 765                 case LMS_USER_LOCK:
 766                         mstimep = &ms->ms_acct[LMS_SYSTEM];
 767                         break;
 768                 default:
 769                         mstimep = &ms->ms_acct[t->t_mstate];
 770                         break;
 771                 }
 772                 waitrq = t->t_waitrq;        /* hopefully atomic */
 773                 if (waitrq == 0) {
 774                         waitrq = curtime;
 775                 }
 776                 t->t_waitrq = 0;
 777                 newtime = waitrq - ms->ms_state_start;
 778                 if (newtime < 0) {
 779                         curtime = gethrtime_unscaled();
 780                         oldtime = *mstimep - 1; /* force CAS to fail */
 781                         continue;
 782                 }
 783                 oldtime = *mstimep;
 784                 newtime += oldtime;
 785         } while (atomic_cas_64((uint64_t *)mstimep, oldtime, newtime) !=
 786             oldtime);
 788         /*
 789          * Update the WAIT_CPU timer and per-cpu waitrq total.
 790          */
 791         z = ttozone(t);
 792         waittime = curtime - waitrq;
 793         ms->ms_acct[LMS_WAIT_CPU] += waittime;
 794         atomic_add_64(&z->zone_wtime, waittime);
 795         CPU->cpu_waitrq += waittime;
 796         ms->ms_state_start = curtime;
 797 }
 799 /*
 800  * Copy lwp microstate accounting and resource usage information
 801  * to the process.  (lwp is terminating)
 802  */
 803 void
 804 term_mstate(kthread_t *t)
 805 {
 806         struct mstate *ms;