1 /*
   3  *
   4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5  * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
   6  * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   7  *
   8  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
   9  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  10  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  11  * and limitations under the License.
  12  *
  13  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  14  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  15  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  16  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  17  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  18  *
  20  */
  21 /*
  22  * Copyright 2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  23  * Use is subject to license terms.
  24  */
  26 #include "rge.h"
  28 #define U32TOPTR(x)     ((void *)(uintptr_t)(uint32_t)(x))
  29 #define PTRTOU32(x)     ((uint32_t)(uintptr_t)(void *)(x))
  31 /*
  32  * ========== RX side routines ==========
  33  */
  35 #define RGE_DBG         RGE_DBG_RECV    /* debug flag for this code     */
  37 static uint32_t rge_atomic_reserve(uint32_t *count_p, uint32_t n);
  38 #pragma inline(rge_atomic_reserve)
  40 static uint32_t
  41 rge_atomic_reserve(uint32_t *count_p, uint32_t n)
  42 {
  43         uint32_t oldval;
  44         uint32_t newval;
  46         /* ATOMICALLY */
  47         do {
  48                 oldval = *count_p;
  49                 newval = oldval - n;
  50                 if (oldval <= n)
  51                         return (0);             /* no resources left    */
  52         } while (cas32(count_p, oldval, newval) != oldval);
  54         return (newval);
  55 }
  57 /*
  58  * Atomically increment a counter
  59  */
  60 static void rge_atomic_renounce(uint32_t *count_p, uint32_t n);
  61 #pragma inline(rge_atomic_renounce)
  63 static void
  64 rge_atomic_renounce(uint32_t *count_p, uint32_t n)
  65 {
  66         uint32_t oldval;
  67         uint32_t newval;
  69         /* ATOMICALLY */
  70         do {
  71                 oldval = *count_p;
  72                 newval = oldval + n;
  73         } while (cas32(count_p, oldval, newval) != oldval);
  74 }
  76 /*
  77  * Callback code invoked from STREAMs when the recv data buffer is free
  78  * for recycling.
  79  */
  80 void
  81 rge_rx_recycle(caddr_t arg)
  82 {
  83         rge_t *rgep;
  84         dma_buf_t *rx_buf;
  85         sw_rbd_t *free_srbdp;
  86         uint32_t slot_recy;
  88         rx_buf = (dma_buf_t *)arg;
  89         rgep = (rge_t *)rx_buf->private;
  91         /*
  92          * In rge_unattach() and rge_attach(), this callback function will
  93          * also be called to free mp in rge_fini_rings() and rge_init_rings().
  94          * In such situation, we shouldn't do below desballoc(), otherwise,
  95          * there'll be memory leak.
  96          */
  97         if (rgep->rge_mac_state == RGE_MAC_UNATTACH ||
  98             rgep->rge_mac_state == RGE_MAC_ATTACH)
  99                 return;
 101         /*
 102          * Recycle the data buffer again
 103          * and fill them in free ring
 104          */
 105         rx_buf->mp = desballoc(DMA_VPTR(rx_buf->pbuf),
 106             rgep->rxbuf_size, 0, &rx_buf->rx_recycle);
 107         if (rx_buf->mp == NULL) {
 108                 rge_problem(rgep, "rge_rx_recycle: desballoc() failed");
 109                 return;
 110         }
 111         mutex_enter(rgep->rc_lock);
 112         slot_recy = rgep->rc_next;
 113         free_srbdp = &rgep->free_srbds[slot_recy];
 115         ASSERT(free_srbdp->rx_buf == NULL);
 116         free_srbdp->rx_buf = rx_buf;
 117         rgep->rc_next = NEXT(slot_recy, RGE_BUF_SLOTS);
 118         rge_atomic_renounce(&rgep->rx_free, 1);
 119         if (rgep->rx_bcopy && rgep->rx_free == RGE_BUF_SLOTS)
 120                 rgep->rx_bcopy = B_FALSE;
 121         ASSERT(rgep->rx_free <= RGE_BUF_SLOTS);
 123         mutex_exit(rgep->rc_lock);
 124 }
 126 static int rge_rx_refill(rge_t *rgep, uint32_t slot);
 127 #pragma inline(rge_rx_refill)
 129 static int
 130 rge_rx_refill(rge_t *rgep, uint32_t slot)
 131 {
 132         dma_buf_t *free_buf;
 133         rge_bd_t *hw_rbd_p;
 134         sw_rbd_t *srbdp;
 135         uint32_t free_slot;
 137         srbdp = &rgep->sw_rbds[slot];
 138         hw_rbd_p = &rgep->rx_ring[slot];
 139         free_slot = rgep->rf_next;
 140         free_buf = rgep->free_srbds[free_slot].rx_buf;
 141         if (free_buf != NULL) {
 142                 srbdp->rx_buf = free_buf;
 143                 rgep->free_srbds[free_slot].rx_buf = NULL;
 144                 hw_rbd_p->host_buf_addr = RGE_BSWAP_32(rgep->head_room +
 145                     + free_buf->pbuf.cookie.dmac_laddress);
 146                 hw_rbd_p->host_buf_addr_hi =
 147                     RGE_BSWAP_32(free_buf->pbuf.cookie.dmac_laddress >> 32);
 148                 rgep->rf_next = NEXT(free_slot, RGE_BUF_SLOTS);
 149                 return (1);
 150         } else {
 151                 /*
 152                  * This situation shouldn't happen
 153                  */
 154                 rge_problem(rgep, "rge_rx_refill: free buffer %d is NULL",
 155                     free_slot);
 156                 rgep->rx_bcopy = B_TRUE;
 157                 return (0);
 158         }
 159 }
 161 static mblk_t *rge_receive_packet(rge_t *rgep, uint32_t slot);
 162 #pragma inline(rge_receive_packet)
 164 static mblk_t *
 165 rge_receive_packet(rge_t *rgep, uint32_t slot)
 166 {
 167         rge_bd_t *hw_rbd_p;
 168         sw_rbd_t *srbdp;
 169         uchar_t *dp;
 170         mblk_t *mp;
 171         uint8_t *rx_ptr;
 172         uint32_t rx_status;
 173         uint_t packet_len;
 174         uint_t minsize;
 175         uint_t maxsize;
 176         uint32_t proto;
 177         uint32_t pflags;
 178         struct ether_vlan_header *ehp;
 179         uint16_t vtag = 0;
 181         hw_rbd_p = &rgep->rx_ring[slot];
 182         srbdp = &rgep->sw_rbds[slot];
 184         /*
 185          * Read receive status
 186          */
 187         rx_status = RGE_BSWAP_32(hw_rbd_p->flags_len) & RBD_FLAGS_MASK;
 189         /*
 190          * Handle error packet
 191          */
 192         if (!(rx_status & BD_FLAG_PKT_END)) {
 193                 RGE_DEBUG(("rge_receive_packet: not a complete packat"));
 194                 return (NULL);
 195         }
 196         if (rx_status & RBD_FLAG_ERROR) {
 197                 if (rx_status & RBD_FLAG_CRC_ERR)
 198                         rgep->stats.crc_err++;
 199                 if (rx_status & RBD_FLAG_RUNT)
 200                         rgep->stats.in_short++;
 201                 /*
 202                  * Set chip_error flag to reset chip:
 203                  * (suggested in Realtek programming guide.)
 204                  */
 205                 RGE_DEBUG(("rge_receive_packet: error packet, status = %x",
 206                     rx_status));
 207                 mutex_enter(rgep->genlock);
 208                 rgep->rge_chip_state = RGE_CHIP_ERROR;
 209                 mutex_exit(rgep->genlock);
 210                 return (NULL);
 211         }
 213         /*
 214          * Handle size error packet
 215          */
 216         packet_len = RGE_BSWAP_32(hw_rbd_p->flags_len) & RBD_LEN_MASK;
 217         packet_len -= ETHERFCSL;
 218         minsize = ETHERMIN;
 219         pflags = RGE_BSWAP_32(hw_rbd_p->vlan_tag);
 220         if (pflags & RBD_VLAN_PKT)
 221                 minsize -= VLAN_TAGSZ;
 222         maxsize = rgep->ethmax_size;
 223         if (packet_len < minsize || packet_len > maxsize) {
 224                 RGE_DEBUG(("rge_receive_packet: len err = %d", packet_len));
 225                 return (NULL);
 226         }
 228         DMA_SYNC(srbdp->rx_buf->pbuf, DDI_DMA_SYNC_FORKERNEL);
 229         if (rgep->rx_bcopy || packet_len <= RGE_RECV_COPY_SIZE ||
 230             !rge_atomic_reserve(&rgep->rx_free, 1)) {
 231                 /*
 232                  * Allocate buffer to receive this good packet
 233                  */
 234                 mp = allocb(packet_len + RGE_HEADROOM, 0);
 235                 if (mp == NULL) {
 236                         RGE_DEBUG(("rge_receive_packet: allocate buffer fail"));
 237                         rgep->stats.no_rcvbuf++;
 238                         return (NULL);
 239                 }
 241                 /*
 242                  * Copy the data found into the new cluster
 243                  */
 244                 rx_ptr = DMA_VPTR(srbdp->rx_buf->pbuf);
 245                 mp->b_rptr = dp = mp->b_rptr + RGE_HEADROOM;
 246                 bcopy(rx_ptr + rgep->head_room, dp, packet_len);
 247                 mp->b_wptr = dp + packet_len;
 248         } else {
 249                 mp = srbdp->rx_buf->mp;
 250                 mp->b_rptr += rgep->head_room;
 251                 mp->b_wptr = mp->b_rptr + packet_len;
 252                 mp->b_next = mp->b_cont = NULL;
 253                 /*
 254                  * Refill the current receive bd buffer
 255                  *   if fails, will just keep the mp.
 256                  */
 257                 if (!rge_rx_refill(rgep, slot))
 258                         return (NULL);
 259         }
 260         rgep->stats.rbytes += packet_len;
 261         rgep->stats.rpackets ++;
 263         /*
 264          * VLAN packet ?
 265          */
 266         if (pflags & RBD_VLAN_PKT)
 267                 vtag = pflags & RBD_VLAN_TAG;
 268         if (vtag) {
 269                 vtag = TCI_CHIP2OS(vtag);
 270                 /*
 271                  * As h/w strips the VLAN tag from incoming packet, we need
 272                  * insert VLAN tag into this packet before send up here.
 273                  */
 274                 (void) memmove(mp->b_rptr - VLAN_TAGSZ, mp->b_rptr,
 275                     2 * ETHERADDRL);
 276                 mp->b_rptr -= VLAN_TAGSZ;
 277                 ehp = (struct ether_vlan_header *)mp->b_rptr;
 278                 ehp->ether_tpid = htons(ETHERTYPE_VLAN);
 279                 ehp->ether_tci = htons(vtag);
 280                 rgep->stats.rbytes += VLAN_TAGSZ;
 281         }
 283         /*
 284          * Check h/w checksum offload status
 285          */
 286         pflags = 0;
 287         proto = rx_status & RBD_FLAG_PROTOCOL;
 288         if ((proto == RBD_FLAG_TCP && !(rx_status & RBD_TCP_CKSUM_ERR)) ||
 289             (proto == RBD_FLAG_UDP && !(rx_status & RBD_UDP_CKSUM_ERR)))
 290                 pflags |= HCK_FULLCKSUM_OK;
 291         if (proto != RBD_FLAG_NONE_IP && !(rx_status & RBD_IP_CKSUM_ERR))
 292                 pflags |= HCK_IPV4_HDRCKSUM_OK;
 293         if (pflags != 0)  {
 294                 mac_hcksum_set(mp, 0, 0, 0, 0, pflags);
 295         }
 297         return (mp);
 298 }
 300 /*
 301  * Accept the packets received in rx ring.
 302  *
 303  * Returns a chain of mblks containing the received data, to be
 304  * passed up to mac_rx().
 305  * The routine returns only when a complete scan has been performed
 306  * without finding any packets to receive.
 307  * This function must SET the OWN bit of BD to indicate the packets
 308  * it has accepted from the ring.
 309  */
 310 static mblk_t *rge_receive_ring(rge_t *rgep);
 311 #pragma inline(rge_receive_ring)
 313 static mblk_t *
 314 rge_receive_ring(rge_t *rgep)
 315 {
 316         rge_bd_t *hw_rbd_p;
 317         mblk_t *head;
 318         mblk_t **tail;
 319         mblk_t *mp;
 320         uint32_t slot;
 322         ASSERT(mutex_owned(rgep->rx_lock));
 324         /*
 325          * Sync (all) the receive ring descriptors
 326          * before accepting the packets they describe
 327          */
 328         DMA_SYNC(rgep->rx_desc, DDI_DMA_SYNC_FORKERNEL);
 329         slot = rgep->rx_next;
 330         hw_rbd_p = &rgep->rx_ring[slot];
 331         head = NULL;
 332         tail = &head;
 334         while (!(hw_rbd_p->flags_len & RGE_BSWAP_32(BD_FLAG_HW_OWN))) {
 335                 if ((mp = rge_receive_packet(rgep, slot)) != NULL) {
 336                         *tail = mp;
 337                         tail = &mp->b_next;
 338                 }
 340                 /*
 341                  * Clear RBD flags
 342                  */
 343                 hw_rbd_p->flags_len =
 344                     RGE_BSWAP_32(rgep->rxbuf_size - rgep->head_room);
 345                 HW_RBD_INIT(hw_rbd_p, slot);
 346                 slot = NEXT(slot, RGE_RECV_SLOTS);
 347                 hw_rbd_p = &rgep->rx_ring[slot];
 348         }
 350         rgep->rx_next = slot;
 351         return (head);
 352 }
 354 /*
 355  * Receive all ready packets.
 356  */
 357 void rge_receive(rge_t *rgep);
 358 #pragma no_inline(rge_receive)
 360 void
 361 rge_receive(rge_t *rgep)
 362 {
 363         mblk_t *mp;
 365         mutex_enter(rgep->rx_lock);
 366         mp = rge_receive_ring(rgep);
 367         mutex_exit(rgep->rx_lock);
 369         if (mp != NULL)
 370                 mac_rx(rgep->mh, NULL, mp);
 371 }
 374 #undef  RGE_DBG
 375 #define RGE_DBG         RGE_DBG_SEND    /* debug flag for this code     */
 378 /*
 379  * ========== Send-side recycle routines ==========
 380  */
 381 static uint32_t rge_send_claim(rge_t *rgep);
 382 #pragma inline(rge_send_claim)
 384 static uint32_t
 385 rge_send_claim(rge_t *rgep)
 386 {
 387         uint32_t slot;
 388         uint32_t next;
 390         mutex_enter(rgep->tx_lock);
 391         slot = rgep->tx_next;
 392         next = NEXT(slot, RGE_SEND_SLOTS);
 393         rgep->tx_next = next;
 394         rgep->tx_flow++;
 395         mutex_exit(rgep->tx_lock);
 397         /*
 398          * We check that our invariants still hold:
 399          * +    the slot and next indexes are in range
 400          * +    the slot must not be the last one (i.e. the *next*
 401          *      index must not match the next-recycle index), 'cos
 402          *      there must always be at least one free slot in a ring
 403          */
 404         ASSERT(slot < RGE_SEND_SLOTS);
 405         ASSERT(next < RGE_SEND_SLOTS);
 406         ASSERT(next != rgep->tc_next);
 408         return (slot);
 409 }
 411 /*
 412  * We don't want to call this function every time after a successful
 413  * h/w transmit done in ISR.  Instead, we call this function in the
 414  * rge_send() when there're few or no free tx BDs remained.
 415  */
 416 void rge_send_recycle(rge_t *rgep);
 417 #pragma inline(rge_send_recycle)
 419 void
 420 rge_send_recycle(rge_t *rgep)
 421 {
 422         rge_bd_t *hw_sbd_p;
 423         uint32_t tc_tail;
 424         uint32_t tc_head;
 425         uint32_t n;
 427         mutex_enter(rgep->tc_lock);
 428         tc_head = rgep->tc_next;
 429         tc_tail = rgep->tc_tail;
 430         if (tc_head == tc_tail)
 431                 goto resched;
 433         do {
 434                 tc_tail = LAST(tc_tail, RGE_SEND_SLOTS);
 435                 hw_sbd_p = &rgep->tx_ring[tc_tail];
 436                 if (tc_tail == tc_head) {
 437                         if (hw_sbd_p->flags_len &
 438                             RGE_BSWAP_32(BD_FLAG_HW_OWN)) {
 439                                 /*
 440                                  * Recyled nothing: bump the watchdog counter,
 441                                  * thus guaranteeing that it's nonzero
 442                                  * (watchdog activated).
 443                                  */
 444                                 if (rgep->watchdog == 0)
 445                                         rgep->watchdog = 1;
 446                                 mutex_exit(rgep->tc_lock);
 447                                 return;
 448                         }
 449                         break;
 450                 }
 451         } while (hw_sbd_p->flags_len & RGE_BSWAP_32(BD_FLAG_HW_OWN));
 453         /*
 454          * Recyled something :-)
 455          */
 456         rgep->tc_next = NEXT(tc_tail, RGE_SEND_SLOTS);
 457         n = rgep->tc_next - tc_head;
 458         if (rgep->tc_next < tc_head)
 459                 n += RGE_SEND_SLOTS;
 460         rge_atomic_renounce(&rgep->tx_free, n);
 461         rgep->watchdog = 0;
 462         ASSERT(rgep->tx_free <= RGE_SEND_SLOTS);
 464 resched:
 465         mutex_exit(rgep->tc_lock);
 466         if (rgep->resched_needed &&
 467             rgep->rge_mac_state == RGE_MAC_STARTED) {
 468                 rgep->resched_needed = B_FALSE;
 469                 mac_tx_update(rgep->mh);
 470         }
 471 }
 473 /*
 474  * Send a message by copying it into a preallocated (and premapped) buffer
 475  */
 476 static void rge_send_copy(rge_t *rgep, mblk_t *mp, uint16_t tci);
 477 #pragma inline(rge_send_copy)
 479 static void
 480 rge_send_copy(rge_t *rgep, mblk_t *mp, uint16_t tci)
 481 {
 482         rge_bd_t *hw_sbd_p;
 483         sw_sbd_t *ssbdp;
 484         mblk_t *bp;
 485         char *txb;
 486         uint32_t slot;
 487         size_t totlen;
 488         size_t mblen;
 489         uint32_t pflags;
 490         struct ether_header *ethhdr;
 491         struct ip *ip_hdr;
 493         /*
 494          * IMPORTANT:
 495          *      Up to the point where it claims a place, a send_msg()
 496          *      routine can indicate failure by returning B_FALSE.  Once it's
 497          *      claimed a place, it mustn't fail.
 498          *
 499          * In this version, there's no setup to be done here, and there's
 500          * nothing that can fail, so we can go straight to claiming our
 501          * already-reserved place on the train.
 502          *
 503          * This is the point of no return!
 504          */
 505         slot = rge_send_claim(rgep);
 506         ssbdp = &rgep->sw_sbds[slot];
 508         /*
 509          * Copy the data into a pre-mapped buffer, which avoids the
 510          * overhead (and complication) of mapping/unmapping STREAMS
 511          * buffers and keeping hold of them until the DMA has completed.
 512          *
 513          * Because all buffers are the same size, and larger than the
 514          * longest single valid message, we don't have to bother about
 515          * splitting the message across multiple buffers either.
 516          */
 517         txb = DMA_VPTR(ssbdp->pbuf);
 518         totlen = 0;
 519         bp = mp;
 520         if (tci != 0) {
 521                 /*
 522                  * Do not copy the vlan tag
 523                  */
 524                 bcopy(bp->b_rptr, txb, 2 * ETHERADDRL);
 525                 txb += 2 * ETHERADDRL;
 526                 totlen += 2 * ETHERADDRL;
 527                 mblen = MBLKL(bp);
 528                 ASSERT(mblen >= 2 * ETHERADDRL + VLAN_TAGSZ);
 529                 mblen -= 2 * ETHERADDRL + VLAN_TAGSZ;
 530                 if ((totlen += mblen) <= rgep->ethmax_size) {
 531                         bcopy(bp->b_rptr + 2 * ETHERADDRL + VLAN_TAGSZ,
 532                             txb, mblen);
 533                         txb += mblen;
 534                 }
 535                 bp = bp->b_cont;
 536                 rgep->stats.obytes += VLAN_TAGSZ;
 537         }
 538         for (; bp != NULL; bp = bp->b_cont) {
 539                 mblen = MBLKL(bp);
 540                 if ((totlen += mblen) <= rgep->ethmax_size) {
 541                         bcopy(bp->b_rptr, txb, mblen);
 542                         txb += mblen;
 543                 }
 544         }
 545         rgep->stats.obytes += totlen;
 546         rgep->stats.tx_pre_ismax = rgep->stats.tx_cur_ismax;
 547         if (totlen == rgep->ethmax_size)
 548                 rgep->stats.tx_cur_ismax = B_TRUE;
 549         else
 550                 rgep->stats.tx_cur_ismax = B_FALSE;
 552         /*
 553          * We'e reached the end of the chain; and we should have
 554          * collected no more than ETHERMAX bytes into our buffer.
 555          */
 556         ASSERT(bp == NULL);
 557         ASSERT(totlen <= rgep->ethmax_size);
 558         DMA_SYNC(ssbdp->pbuf, DDI_DMA_SYNC_FORDEV);
 560         /*
 561          * Update the hardware send buffer descriptor flags
 562          */
 563         hw_sbd_p = &rgep->tx_ring[slot];
 564         ASSERT(hw_sbd_p == ssbdp->desc.mem_va);
 565         hw_sbd_p->flags_len = RGE_BSWAP_32(totlen & SBD_LEN_MASK);
 566         if (tci != 0) {
 567                 tci = TCI_OS2CHIP(tci);
 568                 hw_sbd_p->vlan_tag = RGE_BSWAP_32(tci);
 569                 hw_sbd_p->vlan_tag |= RGE_BSWAP_32(SBD_VLAN_PKT);
 570         } else {
 571                 hw_sbd_p->vlan_tag = 0;
 572         }
 574         /*
 575          * h/w checksum offload flags
 576          */
 577         mac_hcksum_get(mp, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &pflags);
 578         if (pflags & HCK_FULLCKSUM) {
 579                 ASSERT(totlen >= sizeof (struct ether_header) +
 580                     sizeof (struct ip));
 581                 ethhdr = (struct ether_header *)(DMA_VPTR(ssbdp->pbuf));
 582                 /*
 583                  * Is the packet an IP(v4) packet?
 584                  */
 585                 if (ntohs(ethhdr->ether_type) == ETHERTYPE_IP) {
 586                         ip_hdr = (struct ip *)
 587                             ((uint8_t *)DMA_VPTR(ssbdp->pbuf) +
 588                             sizeof (struct ether_header));
 589                         if (ip_hdr->ip_p == IPPROTO_TCP)
 590                                 hw_sbd_p->flags_len |=
 591                                     RGE_BSWAP_32(SBD_FLAG_TCP_CKSUM);
 592                         else if (ip_hdr->ip_p == IPPROTO_UDP)
 593                                 hw_sbd_p->flags_len |=
 594                                     RGE_BSWAP_32(SBD_FLAG_UDP_CKSUM);
 595                 }
 596         }
 597         if (pflags & HCK_IPV4_HDRCKSUM)
 598                 hw_sbd_p->flags_len |= RGE_BSWAP_32(SBD_FLAG_IP_CKSUM);
 600         HW_SBD_SET(hw_sbd_p, slot);
 602         /*
 603          * We're done.
 604          * The message can be freed right away, as we've already
 605          * copied the contents ...
 606          */
 607         freemsg(mp);
 608 }
 610 static boolean_t
 611 rge_send(rge_t *rgep, mblk_t *mp)
 612 {
 613         struct ether_vlan_header *ehp;
 614         uint16_t tci;
 616         ASSERT(mp->b_next == NULL);
 618         /*
 619          * Try to reserve a place in the transmit ring.
 620          */
 621         if (!rge_atomic_reserve(&rgep->tx_free, 1)) {
 622                 RGE_DEBUG(("rge_send: no free slots"));
 623                 rgep->stats.defer++;
 624                 rgep->resched_needed = B_TRUE;
 625                 return (B_FALSE);
 626         }
 628         /*
 629          * Determine if the packet is VLAN tagged.
 630          */
 631         ASSERT(MBLKL(mp) >= sizeof (struct ether_header));
 632         tci = 0;
 633         ehp = (struct ether_vlan_header *)mp->b_rptr;
 634         if (ehp->ether_tpid == htons(ETHERTYPE_VLAN))
 635                 tci = ntohs(ehp->ether_tci);
 637         /*
 638          * We've reserved a place :-)
 639          * These ASSERTions check that our invariants still hold:
 640          *      there must still be at least one free place
 641          *      there must be at least one place NOT free (ours!)
 642          */
 643         ASSERT(rgep->tx_free < RGE_SEND_SLOTS);
 644         rge_send_copy(rgep, mp, tci);
 646         /*
 647          * Trigger chip h/w transmit ...
 648          */
 649         mutex_enter(rgep->tx_lock);
 650         if (--rgep->tx_flow == 0) {
 651                 DMA_SYNC(rgep->tx_desc, DDI_DMA_SYNC_FORDEV);
 652                 rgep->tc_tail = rgep->tx_next;
 653         }
 654         rgep->stats.opackets++;
 655         mutex_exit(rgep->tx_lock);
 657         return (B_TRUE);
 658 }
 660 uint_t
 661 rge_reschedule(caddr_t arg1, caddr_t arg2)
 662 {
 663         rge_t *rgep;
 665         rgep = (rge_t *)arg1;
 666         _NOTE(ARGUNUSED(arg2))
 668         rge_send_recycle(rgep);
 670         if (rgep->chipid.is_pcie && rgep->tx_free != RGE_SEND_SLOTS) {
 671                 /*
 672                  * It's observed that in current Realtek PCI-E chips, tx
 673                  * request of the second fragment for upper layer packets
 674                  * will be ignored if the hardware transmission is in
 675                  * progress and will not be processed when the tx engine
 676                  * is idle. So one solution is to re-issue the requests
 677                  * if there are untransmitted packets after tx interrupts
 678                  * occur.
 679                  */
 680                 rge_tx_trigger(rgep);
 681         }
 683         return (DDI_INTR_CLAIMED);
 684 }
 686 /*
 687  * rge_m_tx() - send a chain of packets
 688  */
 689 mblk_t *
 690 rge_m_tx(void *arg, mblk_t *mp)
 691 {
 692         rge_t *rgep = arg;              /* private device info  */
 693         mblk_t *next;
 694         mblk_t *mp_org = mp;
 696         ASSERT(mp != NULL);
 698         rw_enter(rgep->errlock, RW_READER);
 699         if ((rgep->rge_mac_state != RGE_MAC_STARTED) ||
 700             (rgep->rge_chip_state != RGE_CHIP_RUNNING) ||
 701             (rgep->param_link_up != LINK_STATE_UP)) {
 702                 rw_exit(rgep->errlock);
 703                 RGE_DEBUG(("rge_m_tx: tx doesn't work"));
 704                 freemsgchain(mp);
 705                 return (NULL);
 706         }
 708         while (mp != NULL) {
 709                 next = mp->b_next;
 710                 mp->b_next = NULL;
 712                 if (!rge_send(rgep, mp)) {
 713                         mp->b_next = next;
 714                         break;
 715                 }
 717                 mp = next;
 718         }
 719         if (mp != mp_org) {
 720                 rge_tx_trigger(rgep);
 721         }
 722         rw_exit(rgep->errlock);
 724         return (mp);
 725 }