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 277                 ;;
 278         mercurial)
 279                 copy_source_mercurial $DEST $srcroot
 280                 if (( $? != 0 )) ; then
 281                     build_ok=n
 282                     return 1
 283                 fi
 284                 ;;
 285         *)
 286                 build_ok=n
 287                 echo "Tree copy is not supported for workspace type" \
 288                     "$SCM_TYPE" | tee -a $mail_msg_file >> $LOGFILE
 289                 return 1
 290                 ;;
 291         esac
 293         return 0
 294 }
 296 #
 297 # Mercurial-specific copy code for copy_source().  Handles the
 298 # combined open and closed trees.
 299 #
 300 # Returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure.
 301 #
 302 # usage: copy_source_mercurial destdir srcroot
 303 #
 304 function copy_source_mercurial {
 305         typeset dest=$1
 306         typeset srcroot=$2
 307         typeset open_top closed_top
 309         case $srcroot in
 310         usr)
 311                 open_top=usr
 312                 if [[ "$CLOSED_IS_PRESENT" = yes ]]; then
 313                         closed_top=usr/closed
 314                 fi
 315                 ;;
 316         usr/closed*)
 317                 if [[ "$CLOSED_IS_PRESENT" = no ]]; then
 318                         printf "can't copy %s: closed tree not present.\n" \
 319                             "$srcroot" | tee -a $mail_msg_file >> $LOGFILE
 320                         return 1
 321                 fi
 322                 closed_top="$srcroot"
 323                 ;;
 324         *)
 325                 open_top="$srcroot"
 326                 ;;
 327         esac            
 329         if [[ -n "$open_top" ]]; then
 330                 hg locate -I "$open_top" | cpio -pd "$dest" >>$LOGFILE 2>&1
 331                 if (( $? != 0 )) ; then
 332                     printf "cpio failed for %s\n" "$dest" |
 333                         tee -a $mail_msg_file >> $LOGFILE
 334                     return 1
 335                 fi
 336         fi
 338         if [[ -n "$closed_top" ]]; then
 339                 mkdir -p "$dest/usr/closed" || return 1
 340                 if [[ "$closed_top" = usr/closed ]]; then
 341                         (cd usr/closed; hg locate |
 342                             cpio -pd "$dest/usr/closed") >>$LOGFILE 2>&1
 343                         if (( $? != 0 )) ; then
 344                             printf "cpio failed for %s/usr/closed\n" \
 345                                 "$dest" | tee -a $mail_msg_file >> $LOGFILE
 346                             return 1
 347                         fi
 348                 else
 349                         # copy subtree of usr/closed
 350                         closed_top=${closed_top#usr/closed/}
 351                         (cd usr/closed; hg locate -I "$closed_top" |
 352                             cpio -pd "$dest/usr/closed") >>$LOGFILE 2>&1
 353                         if (( $? != 0 )) ; then
 354                             printf "cpio failed for %s/usr/closed/%s\n" \
 355                                 "$dest" "$closed_top" |
 356                                 tee -a $mail_msg_file >> $LOGFILE
 357                             return 1
 358                         fi
 359                 fi
 360         fi
 362         return 0
 363 }
 365 #
 366 # function to create (but not build) the export/crypt source tree.
 367 # usage: set_up_source_build CODEMGR_WS DESTDIR MAKE_TARGET
 368 # Sets SRC to the modified source tree, for use by the caller when it
 369 # builds the tree.
 370 #
 371 function set_up_source_build {
 372         WS=$1
 373         DEST=$2
 374         MAKETARG=$3
 376         copy_source $WS $DEST $MAKETARG usr
 377         if (( $? != 0 )); then
 378             echo "\nCould not copy source tree for source build." |
 379                 tee -a $mail_msg_file >> $LOGFILE
 380             build_ok=n

 880 function staffer {
 881         if [ $ISUSER -ne 0 ]; then
 882                 "$@"
 883         else
 884                 arg="\"$1\""
 885                 shift
 886                 for i
 887                 do
 888                         arg="$arg \"$i\""
 889                 done
 890                 eval su $STAFFER -c \'$arg\'
 891         fi
 892 }
 894 #
 895 # Verify that the closed tree is present if it needs to be.
 896 #
 897 function check_closed_tree {
 898         if [[ ! -d "$ON_CLOSED_BINS" ]]; then
 899                 echo "If the closed sources are not present," \
 900                     "ON_CLOSED_BINS"
 901                 echo "must point to the closed binaries tree."
 902                 build_ok=n
 903                 exit 1
 904         fi
 905 }
 907 function obsolete_build {
 908         echo "WARNING: Obsolete $1 build requested; request will be ignored"
 909 }
 911 #
 912 # wrapper over wsdiff.
 913 # usage: do_wsdiff LABEL OLDPROTO NEWPROTO
 914 #
 915 function do_wsdiff {
 916         label=$1
 917         oldproto=$2
 918         newproto=$3
 920         wsdiff="wsdiff"
 921         [ "$t_FLAG" = y ] && wsdiff="wsdiff -t"

1232 # If BRINGOVER_WS was not specified, let it default to CLONE_WS
1233 #
1234 if [ "$BRINGOVER_WS" = "" ]; then
1236 fi
1238 #
1239 # If CLOSED_BRINGOVER_WS was not specified, let it default to CLOSED_CLONE_WS
1240 #
1241 if [ "$CLOSED_BRINGOVER_WS" = "" ]; then
1243 fi
1245 #
1246 # If BRINGOVER_FILES was not specified, default to usr
1247 #
1248 if [ "$BRINGOVER_FILES" = "" ]; then
1249         BRINGOVER_FILES="usr"
1250 fi
1252 #
1253 # If the closed sources are not present, the closed binaries must be
1254 # present for the build to succeed.  If there's no pointer to the
1255 # closed binaries, flag that now, rather than forcing the user to wait
1256 # a couple hours (or more) to find out.
1257 #
1258 orig_closed_is_present="$CLOSED_IS_PRESENT"
1259 check_closed_tree
1261 #
1262 # Note: changes to the option letters here should also be applied to the
1263 #       bldenv script.  `d' is listed for backward compatibility.
1264 #
1266 OPTIND=1
1267 while getopts +ABCDdFfGIilMmNnOoPpRrS:TtUuWwXxz FLAG $NIGHTLY_OPTIONS
1268 do
1269         case $FLAG in
1270           A )   A_FLAG=y
1271                 #
1272                 # If ELF_DATA_BASELINE_DIR is not defined, and we are on SWAN
1273                 # (based on CLOSED_IS_PRESENT), then refuse to run. The value
1274                 # of ELF version checking is greatly enhanced by including
1275                 # the baseline gate comparison.
1276                 if [ "$CLOSED_IS_PRESENT" = 'yes' -a \
1277                      "$ELF_DATA_BASELINE_DIR" = '' ]; then
1278                         echo "ELF_DATA_BASELINE_DIR must be set if the A" \
1279                             "flag is present in\nNIGHTLY_OPTIONS and closed" \
1280                             "sources are present. Update environment file."
1281                         exit 1;
1282                 fi
1283                 ;;
1284           B )   D_FLAG=y
1285                 ;; # old version of D
1286           C )   C_FLAG=y
1287                 ;;
1288           D )   D_FLAG=y
1289                 ;;
1290           F )   F_FLAG=y
1291                 ;;
1292           f )   f_FLAG=y
1293                 ;;
1294           G )   u_FLAG=y
1295                 ;;
1296           I )   m_FLAG=y
1297                 p_FLAG=y
1298                 u_FLAG=y
1299                 ;;
1300           i )   i_FLAG=y
1301                 ;;
1302           l )   l_FLAG=y

1370         # Set default value for STAFFER, if needed.
1371         if [ -z "$STAFFER" -o "$STAFFER" = "nobody" ]; then
1372                 STAFFER=`/usr/xpg4/bin/id -un`
1373                 export STAFFER
1374         fi
1375 fi
1377 if [ -z "$MAILTO" -o "$MAILTO" = "nobody" ]; then
1378         MAILTO=$STAFFER
1379         export MAILTO
1380 fi
1382 PATH="$OPTHOME/onbld/bin:$OPTHOME/onbld/bin/${MACH}:/usr/ccs/bin"
1383 PATH="$PATH:$OPTHOME/SUNWspro/bin:$TEAMWARE/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb"
1384 PATH="$PATH:/usr/openwin/bin:/usr/sfw/bin:/opt/sfw/bin:."
1385 export PATH
1387 # roots of source trees, both relative to $SRC and absolute.
1388 relsrcdirs="."
1389 if [[ -d $CODEMGR_WS/usr/closed && "$CLOSED_IS_PRESENT" != no ]]; then
1390         relsrcdirs="$relsrcdirs ../closed"
1391 fi
1392 abssrcdirs=""
1393 for d in $relsrcdirs; do
1394         abssrcdirs="$abssrcdirs $SRC/$d"
1395 done
1397 unset CH
1398 if [ "$o_FLAG" = "y" ]; then
1399 # root invoked old-style build -- make sure it works as it always has
1400 # by exporting 'CH'.  The current Makefile.master doesn't use this, but
1401 # the old ones still do.
1402         PROTOCMPTERSE="protocmp.terse"
1403         CH=
1404         export CH
1405 else
1406         PROTOCMPTERSE="protocmp.terse -gu"
1407 fi
1408 POUND_SIGN="#"
1409 # have we set RELEASE_DATE in our env file?
1410 if [ -z "$RELEASE_DATE" ]; then
1411         RELEASE_DATE=$(LC_ALL=C date +"%B %Y")
1412 fi
1413 BUILD_DATE=$(LC_ALL=C date +%Y-%b-%d)
1414 BASEWSDIR=$(basename $CODEMGR_WS)
1415 DEV_CM="\"@(#)SunOS Internal Development: $LOGNAME $BUILD_DATE [$BASEWSDIR]\""

2123                 touch $TMPDIR/bringover_failed
2125         staffer bringovercheck $CODEMGR_WS >$TMPDIR/bringovercheck.out 2>&1
2126         if [ -s $TMPDIR/bringovercheck.out ]; then
2127                 echo "\n==== POST-BRINGOVER CLEANUP NOISE ====\n"
2128                 cat $TMPDIR/bringovercheck.out
2129         fi
2130 }
2132 type bringover_mercurial > /dev/null 2>&1 || function bringover_mercurial {
2133         typeset -x PATH=$PATH
2135         # If the repository doesn't exist yet, then we want to populate it.
2136         if [[ ! -d $CODEMGR_WS/.hg ]]; then
2137                 staffer hg init $CODEMGR_WS
2138                 staffer echo "[paths]" > $CODEMGR_WS/.hg/hgrc
2139                 staffer echo "default=$BRINGOVER_WS" >> $CODEMGR_WS/.hg/hgrc
2140                 touch $TMPDIR/new_repository
2141         fi
2143         #
2144         # If the user set CLOSED_BRINGOVER_WS and didn't set CLOSED_IS_PRESENT
2145         # to "no," then we'll want to initialise the closed repository
2146         #
2147         # We use $orig_closed_is_present instead of $CLOSED_IS_PRESENT,
2148         # because for newly-created source trees, the latter will be "no"
2149         # until after the bringover completes.
2150         #
2151         if [[ "$orig_closed_is_present" != "no" && \
2152             -n "$CLOSED_BRINGOVER_WS" && \
2153             ! -d $CODEMGR_WS/usr/closed/.hg ]]; then
2154                 staffer mkdir -p $CODEMGR_WS/usr/closed
2155                 staffer hg init $CODEMGR_WS/usr/closed
2156                 staffer echo "[paths]" > $CODEMGR_WS/usr/closed/.hg/hgrc
2157                 staffer echo "default=$CLOSED_BRINGOVER_WS" >> $CODEMGR_WS/usr/closed/.hg/hgrc
2158                 touch $TMPDIR/new_closed
2159                 export CLOSED_IS_PRESENT=yes
2160         fi
2162         typeset -x HGMERGE="/bin/false"
2164         #
2165         # If the user has changes, regardless of whether those changes are
2166         # committed, and regardless of whether those changes conflict, then
2167         # we'll attempt to merge them either implicitly (uncommitted) or
2168         # explicitly (committed).
2169         #
2170         # These are the messages we'll use to help clarify mercurial output
2171         # in those cases.
2172         #
2173         typeset mergefailmsg="\
2174 ***\n\
2175 *** nightly was unable to automatically merge your changes.  You should\n\
2176 *** redo the full merge manually, following the steps outlined by mercurial\n\
2177 *** above, then restart nightly.\n\
2178 ***\n"
2179         typeset mergepassmsg="\
2180 ***\n\
2181 *** nightly successfully merged your changes.  This means that your working\n\

2240                         printf "%s: merge failed as follows:\n\n" \
2241                             "$CODEMGR_WS"
2242                         cat $TMPDIR/pull_open.out
2243                         if grep "^merging.*failed" $TMPDIR/pull_open.out \
2244                             > /dev/null 2>&1; then
2245                                 printf "$mergefailmsg"
2246                         fi
2247                         touch $TMPDIR/bringover_failed
2248                         return
2249                 fi
2250         fi
2252         printf "updated %s with the following results:\n" "$CODEMGR_WS"
2253         cat $TMPDIR/pull_open.out
2254         if grep "^merging" $TMPDIR/pull_open.out >/dev/null 2>&1; then
2255                 printf "$mergepassmsg"
2256         fi
2257         printf "\n"
2259         #
2260         # We only want to update usr/closed if it exists, and we haven't been
2261         # told not to via $CLOSED_IS_PRESENT, and we actually know where to
2262         # pull from ($CLOSED_BRINGOVER_WS).
2263         #
2264         if [[ $CLOSED_IS_PRESENT = yes && \
2265             -d $CODEMGR_WS/usr/closed/.hg && \
2266             -n $CLOSED_BRINGOVER_WS ]]; then
2268                 HG_SOURCE=$CLOSED_BRINGOVER_WS
2269                 if [ ! -f $TMPDIR/new_closed ]; then
2270                         HG_SOURCE=$TMPDIR/closed_bundle.hg
2271                         staffer hg --cwd $CODEMGR_WS/usr/closed incoming \
2272                             --bundle $HG_SOURCE -v $CLOSED_BRINGOVER_WS \
2273                             > $TMPDIR/incoming_closed.out
2275                         #
2276                         # If there are no incoming changesets, then incoming will
2277                         # fail, and there will be no bundle file.  Reset the source,
2278                         # to allow the remaining logic to complete with no false
2279                         # negatives.  (Unlike incoming, pull will return success
2280                         # for the no-change case.)
2281                         #
2282                         if (( $? != 0 )); then
2283                                 HG_SOURCE=$CLOSED_BRINGOVER_WS
2284                         fi
2285                 fi
2287                 staffer hg --cwd $CODEMGR_WS/usr/closed pull -u \
2288                         $HG_SOURCE > $TMPDIR/pull_closed.out 2>&1
2289                 if (( $? != 0 )); then
2290                         printf "closed pull failed as follows:\n\n"
2291                         cat $TMPDIR/pull_closed.out
2292                         if grep "^merging.*failed" $TMPDIR/pull_closed.out \
2293                             > /dev/null 2>&1; then
2294                                 printf "$mergefailmsg"
2295                         fi
2296                         touch $TMPDIR/bringover_failed
2297                         return
2298                 fi
2300                 if grep "not updating" $TMPDIR/pull_closed.out > /dev/null 2>&1; then
2301                         staffer hg --cwd $CODEMGR_WS/usr/closed merge \
2302                             >> $TMPDIR/pull_closed.out 2>&1
2303                         if (( $? != 0 )); then
2304                                 printf "closed merge failed as follows:\n\n"
2305                                 cat $TMPDIR/pull_closed.out
2306                                 if grep "^merging.*failed" $TMPDIR/pull_closed.out > /dev/null 2>&1; then
2307                                         printf "$mergefailmsg"
2308                                 fi
2309                                 touch $TMPDIR/bringover_failed
2310                                 return
2311                         fi
2312                 fi
2314                 printf "updated %s with the following results:\n" \
2315                     "$CODEMGR_WS/usr/closed"
2316                 cat $TMPDIR/pull_closed.out
2317                 if grep "^merging" $TMPDIR/pull_closed.out > /dev/null 2>&1; then
2318                         printf "$mergepassmsg"
2319                 fi
2320         fi
2322         #
2323         # Per-changeset output is neither useful nor manageable for a
2324         # newly-created repository.
2325         #
2326         if [ -f $TMPDIR/new_repository ]; then
2327                 return
2328         fi
2330         printf "\nadded the following changesets to open repository:\n"
2331         cat $TMPDIR/incoming_open.out
2333         #
2334         # The closed repository could have been newly created, even though
2335         # the open one previously existed...
2336         #
2337         if [ -f $TMPDIR/new_closed ]; then
2338                 return
2339         fi
2341         if [ -f $TMPDIR/incoming_closed.out ]; then
2342                 printf "\nadded the following changesets to closed repository:\n"

2399         eval "bringover_${PARENT_SCM_TYPE}" 2>&1 |
2400                 tee -a $mail_msg_file >> $LOGFILE
2402         if [ -f $TMPDIR/bringover_failed ]; then
2403                 rm -f $TMPDIR/bringover_failed
2404                 build_ok=n
2405                 echo "trouble with bringover, quitting at `date`." |
2406                         tee -a $mail_msg_file >> $LOGFILE
2407                 exit 1
2408         fi
2410         #
2411         # It's possible that we used the bringover above to create
2412         # $CODEMGR_WS.  If so, then SCM_TYPE was previously "none,"
2413         # but should now be the same as $BRINGOVER_WS.
2414         #
2415         [[ $SCM_TYPE = none ]] && SCM_TYPE=$PARENT_SCM_TYPE
2417         run_hook POST_BRINGOVER
2419         #
2420         # Possible transition from pre-split workspace to split
2421         # workspace.  See if the bringover changed anything.
2422         #
2423         CLOSED_IS_PRESENT="$orig_closed_is_present"
2424         check_closed_tree
2426 else
2427         echo "\n==== No bringover to $CODEMGR_WS ====\n" >> $LOGFILE
2428 fi
2430 if [[ "$O_FLAG" = y && "$CLOSED_IS_PRESENT" != "yes" ]]; then
2431         build_ok=n
2432         echo "OpenSolaris binary deliverables need usr/closed." \
2433             | tee -a "$mail_msg_file" >> $LOGFILE
2434         exit 1
2435 fi
2437 # Safeguards
2438 [[ -v CODEMGR_WS ]] || fatal_error "Error: Variable CODEMGR_WS not set."
2439 [[ -d "${CODEMGR_WS}" ]] || fatal_error "Error: ${CODEMGR_WS} is not a directory."
2440 [[ -f "${CODEMGR_WS}/usr/src/Makefile" ]] || fatal_error "Error: ${CODEMGR_WS}/usr/src/Makefile not found."
2442 echo "\n==== Build environment ====\n" | tee -a $build_environ_file >> $LOGFILE
2444 # System
2445 whence uname | tee -a $build_environ_file >> $LOGFILE
2446 uname -a 2>&1 | tee -a $build_environ_file >> $LOGFILE
2447 echo | tee -a $build_environ_file >> $LOGFILE
2449 # make
2450 whence $MAKE | tee -a $build_environ_file >> $LOGFILE

2590                     >> $mail_msg_file
2591         else
2592                 echo "\n==== DOMESTIC extraction failed ====\n" \
2593                     >> $mail_msg_file
2594         fi
2596 fi
2598 if [ "$SO_FLAG" = "y" -a "$build_ok" = y ]; then
2599         #
2600         # Copy the open sources into their own tree.
2601         # If copy_source fails, it will have already generated an
2602         # error message and set build_ok=n, so we don't need to worry
2603         # about that here.
2604         #
2605         copy_source $CODEMGR_WS $OPEN_SRCDIR OPEN_SOURCE usr/src
2606 fi
2608 if [ "$SO_FLAG" = "y" -a "$build_ok" = y ]; then
2609         SRC=$OPEN_SRCDIR/usr/src
2610         export CLOSED_IS_PRESENT=no
2611 fi
2613 if is_source_build && [ $build_ok = y ] ; then
2614         # remove proto area(s) here, since we don't clobber
2615         rm -rf `allprotos`
2616         if [ "$t_FLAG" = "y" ]; then
2617                 set_non_debug_build_flags
2618                 ORIG_TOOLS=$TOOLS
2619                 #
2620                 # SRC was set earlier to point to the source build
2621                 # source tree (e.g., $EXPORT_SRC).
2622                 #
2623                 TOOLS=${SRC}/tools
2624                 TOOLS_PROTO=${TOOLS}/${TOOLS_PROTO_REL}; export TOOLS_PROTO
2625                 build_tools ${TOOLS_PROTO}
2626                 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
2627                         use_tools ${TOOLS_PROTO}
2628                 fi
2629         fi

 277                 ;;
 278         mercurial)
 279                 copy_source_mercurial $DEST $srcroot
 280                 if (( $? != 0 )) ; then
 281                     build_ok=n
 282                     return 1
 283                 fi
 284                 ;;
 285         *)
 286                 build_ok=n
 287                 echo "Tree copy is not supported for workspace type" \
 288                     "$SCM_TYPE" | tee -a $mail_msg_file >> $LOGFILE
 289                 return 1
 290                 ;;
 291         esac
 293         return 0
 294 }
 296 #
 297 # Mercurial-specific copy code for copy_source().

 298 #
 299 # Returns 0 for success, non-zero for failure.
 300 #
 301 # usage: copy_source_mercurial destdir srcroot
 302 #
 303 function copy_source_mercurial {
 304         typeset dest=$1
 305         typeset srcroot=$2

 307         hg locate -I "$srcroot" | cpio -pd "$dest" >>$LOGFILE 2>&1

 308         if (( $? != 0 )) ; then
 309             printf "cpio failed for %s\n" "$dest" |
 310                 tee -a $mail_msg_file >> $LOGFILE
 311             return 1
 312         fi

 314         return 0
 315 }
 317 #
 318 # function to create (but not build) the export/crypt source tree.
 319 # usage: set_up_source_build CODEMGR_WS DESTDIR MAKE_TARGET
 320 # Sets SRC to the modified source tree, for use by the caller when it
 321 # builds the tree.
 322 #
 323 function set_up_source_build {
 324         WS=$1
 325         DEST=$2
 326         MAKETARG=$3
 328         copy_source $WS $DEST $MAKETARG usr
 329         if (( $? != 0 )); then
 330             echo "\nCould not copy source tree for source build." |
 331                 tee -a $mail_msg_file >> $LOGFILE
 332             build_ok=n

 832 function staffer {
 833         if [ $ISUSER -ne 0 ]; then
 834                 "$@"
 835         else
 836                 arg="\"$1\""
 837                 shift
 838                 for i
 839                 do
 840                         arg="$arg \"$i\""
 841                 done
 842                 eval su $STAFFER -c \'$arg\'
 843         fi
 844 }
 846 #
 847 # Verify that the closed tree is present if it needs to be.
 848 #
 849 function check_closed_tree {
 850         if [[ ! -d "$ON_CLOSED_BINS" ]]; then
 851                 echo "ON_CLOSED_BINS must point to the closed binaries tree."

 852                 build_ok=n
 853                 exit 1
 854         fi
 855 }
 857 function obsolete_build {
 858         echo "WARNING: Obsolete $1 build requested; request will be ignored"
 859 }
 861 #
 862 # wrapper over wsdiff.
 863 # usage: do_wsdiff LABEL OLDPROTO NEWPROTO
 864 #
 865 function do_wsdiff {
 866         label=$1
 867         oldproto=$2
 868         newproto=$3
 870         wsdiff="wsdiff"
 871         [ "$t_FLAG" = y ] && wsdiff="wsdiff -t"

1182 # If BRINGOVER_WS was not specified, let it default to CLONE_WS
1183 #
1184 if [ "$BRINGOVER_WS" = "" ]; then
1186 fi
1188 #
1189 # If CLOSED_BRINGOVER_WS was not specified, let it default to CLOSED_CLONE_WS
1190 #
1191 if [ "$CLOSED_BRINGOVER_WS" = "" ]; then
1193 fi
1195 #
1196 # If BRINGOVER_FILES was not specified, default to usr
1197 #
1198 if [ "$BRINGOVER_FILES" = "" ]; then
1199         BRINGOVER_FILES="usr"
1200 fi

1202 check_closed_tree
1204 #
1205 # Note: changes to the option letters here should also be applied to the
1206 #       bldenv script.  `d' is listed for backward compatibility.
1207 #
1209 OPTIND=1
1210 while getopts +ABCDdFfGIilMmNnOoPpRrS:TtUuWwXxz FLAG $NIGHTLY_OPTIONS
1211 do
1212         case $FLAG in
1213           A )   A_FLAG=y

1214                 ;;
1215           B )   D_FLAG=y
1216                 ;; # old version of D
1217           C )   C_FLAG=y
1218                 ;;
1219           D )   D_FLAG=y
1220                 ;;
1221           F )   F_FLAG=y
1222                 ;;
1223           f )   f_FLAG=y
1224                 ;;
1225           G )   u_FLAG=y
1226                 ;;
1227           I )   m_FLAG=y
1228                 p_FLAG=y
1229                 u_FLAG=y
1230                 ;;
1231           i )   i_FLAG=y
1232                 ;;
1233           l )   l_FLAG=y

1301         # Set default value for STAFFER, if needed.
1302         if [ -z "$STAFFER" -o "$STAFFER" = "nobody" ]; then
1303                 STAFFER=`/usr/xpg4/bin/id -un`
1304                 export STAFFER
1305         fi
1306 fi
1308 if [ -z "$MAILTO" -o "$MAILTO" = "nobody" ]; then
1309         MAILTO=$STAFFER
1310         export MAILTO
1311 fi
1313 PATH="$OPTHOME/onbld/bin:$OPTHOME/onbld/bin/${MACH}:/usr/ccs/bin"
1314 PATH="$PATH:$OPTHOME/SUNWspro/bin:$TEAMWARE/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/ucb"
1315 PATH="$PATH:/usr/openwin/bin:/usr/sfw/bin:/opt/sfw/bin:."
1316 export PATH
1318 # roots of source trees, both relative to $SRC and absolute.
1319 relsrcdirs="."
1320 abssrcdirs="$SRC"

1322 unset CH
1323 if [ "$o_FLAG" = "y" ]; then
1324 # root invoked old-style build -- make sure it works as it always has
1325 # by exporting 'CH'.  The current Makefile.master doesn't use this, but
1326 # the old ones still do.
1327         PROTOCMPTERSE="protocmp.terse"
1328         CH=
1329         export CH
1330 else
1331         PROTOCMPTERSE="protocmp.terse -gu"
1332 fi
1333 POUND_SIGN="#"
1334 # have we set RELEASE_DATE in our env file?
1335 if [ -z "$RELEASE_DATE" ]; then
1336         RELEASE_DATE=$(LC_ALL=C date +"%B %Y")
1337 fi
1338 BUILD_DATE=$(LC_ALL=C date +%Y-%b-%d)
1339 BASEWSDIR=$(basename $CODEMGR_WS)
1340 DEV_CM="\"@(#)SunOS Internal Development: $LOGNAME $BUILD_DATE [$BASEWSDIR]\""

2048                 touch $TMPDIR/bringover_failed
2050         staffer bringovercheck $CODEMGR_WS >$TMPDIR/bringovercheck.out 2>&1
2051         if [ -s $TMPDIR/bringovercheck.out ]; then
2052                 echo "\n==== POST-BRINGOVER CLEANUP NOISE ====\n"
2053                 cat $TMPDIR/bringovercheck.out
2054         fi
2055 }
2057 type bringover_mercurial > /dev/null 2>&1 || function bringover_mercurial {
2058         typeset -x PATH=$PATH
2060         # If the repository doesn't exist yet, then we want to populate it.
2061         if [[ ! -d $CODEMGR_WS/.hg ]]; then
2062                 staffer hg init $CODEMGR_WS
2063                 staffer echo "[paths]" > $CODEMGR_WS/.hg/hgrc
2064                 staffer echo "default=$BRINGOVER_WS" >> $CODEMGR_WS/.hg/hgrc
2065                 touch $TMPDIR/new_repository
2066         fi

2068         typeset -x HGMERGE="/bin/false"
2070         #
2071         # If the user has changes, regardless of whether those changes are
2072         # committed, and regardless of whether those changes conflict, then
2073         # we'll attempt to merge them either implicitly (uncommitted) or
2074         # explicitly (committed).
2075         #
2076         # These are the messages we'll use to help clarify mercurial output
2077         # in those cases.
2078         #
2079         typeset mergefailmsg="\
2080 ***\n\
2081 *** nightly was unable to automatically merge your changes.  You should\n\
2082 *** redo the full merge manually, following the steps outlined by mercurial\n\
2083 *** above, then restart nightly.\n\
2084 ***\n"
2085         typeset mergepassmsg="\
2086 ***\n\
2087 *** nightly successfully merged your changes.  This means that your working\n\

2146                         printf "%s: merge failed as follows:\n\n" \
2147                             "$CODEMGR_WS"
2148                         cat $TMPDIR/pull_open.out
2149                         if grep "^merging.*failed" $TMPDIR/pull_open.out \
2150                             > /dev/null 2>&1; then
2151                                 printf "$mergefailmsg"
2152                         fi
2153                         touch $TMPDIR/bringover_failed
2154                         return
2155                 fi
2156         fi
2158         printf "updated %s with the following results:\n" "$CODEMGR_WS"
2159         cat $TMPDIR/pull_open.out
2160         if grep "^merging" $TMPDIR/pull_open.out >/dev/null 2>&1; then
2161                 printf "$mergepassmsg"
2162         fi
2163         printf "\n"
2165         #

2166         # Per-changeset output is neither useful nor manageable for a
2167         # newly-created repository.
2168         #
2169         if [ -f $TMPDIR/new_repository ]; then
2170                 return
2171         fi
2173         printf "\nadded the following changesets to open repository:\n"
2174         cat $TMPDIR/incoming_open.out
2176         #
2177         # The closed repository could have been newly created, even though
2178         # the open one previously existed...
2179         #
2180         if [ -f $TMPDIR/new_closed ]; then
2181                 return
2182         fi
2184         if [ -f $TMPDIR/incoming_closed.out ]; then
2185                 printf "\nadded the following changesets to closed repository:\n"

2242         eval "bringover_${PARENT_SCM_TYPE}" 2>&1 |
2243                 tee -a $mail_msg_file >> $LOGFILE
2245         if [ -f $TMPDIR/bringover_failed ]; then
2246                 rm -f $TMPDIR/bringover_failed
2247                 build_ok=n
2248                 echo "trouble with bringover, quitting at `date`." |
2249                         tee -a $mail_msg_file >> $LOGFILE
2250                 exit 1
2251         fi
2253         #
2254         # It's possible that we used the bringover above to create
2255         # $CODEMGR_WS.  If so, then SCM_TYPE was previously "none,"
2256         # but should now be the same as $BRINGOVER_WS.
2257         #
2258         [[ $SCM_TYPE = none ]] && SCM_TYPE=$PARENT_SCM_TYPE
2260         run_hook POST_BRINGOVER

2262         check_closed_tree
2264 else
2265         echo "\n==== No bringover to $CODEMGR_WS ====\n" >> $LOGFILE
2266 fi
2268 if [[ "$O_FLAG" = y ]]; then
2269         build_ok=n
2270         echo "OpenSolaris binary deliverables need usr/closed." \
2271             | tee -a "$mail_msg_file" >> $LOGFILE
2272         exit 1
2273 fi
2275 # Safeguards
2276 [[ -v CODEMGR_WS ]] || fatal_error "Error: Variable CODEMGR_WS not set."
2277 [[ -d "${CODEMGR_WS}" ]] || fatal_error "Error: ${CODEMGR_WS} is not a directory."
2278 [[ -f "${CODEMGR_WS}/usr/src/Makefile" ]] || fatal_error "Error: ${CODEMGR_WS}/usr/src/Makefile not found."
2280 echo "\n==== Build environment ====\n" | tee -a $build_environ_file >> $LOGFILE
2282 # System
2283 whence uname | tee -a $build_environ_file >> $LOGFILE
2284 uname -a 2>&1 | tee -a $build_environ_file >> $LOGFILE
2285 echo | tee -a $build_environ_file >> $LOGFILE
2287 # make
2288 whence $MAKE | tee -a $build_environ_file >> $LOGFILE

2428                     >> $mail_msg_file
2429         else
2430                 echo "\n==== DOMESTIC extraction failed ====\n" \
2431                     >> $mail_msg_file
2432         fi
2434 fi
2436 if [ "$SO_FLAG" = "y" -a "$build_ok" = y ]; then
2437         #
2438         # Copy the open sources into their own tree.
2439         # If copy_source fails, it will have already generated an
2440         # error message and set build_ok=n, so we don't need to worry
2441         # about that here.
2442         #
2443         copy_source $CODEMGR_WS $OPEN_SRCDIR OPEN_SOURCE usr/src
2444 fi
2446 if [ "$SO_FLAG" = "y" -a "$build_ok" = y ]; then
2447         SRC=$OPEN_SRCDIR/usr/src

2448 fi
2450 if is_source_build && [ $build_ok = y ] ; then
2451         # remove proto area(s) here, since we don't clobber
2452         rm -rf `allprotos`
2453         if [ "$t_FLAG" = "y" ]; then
2454                 set_non_debug_build_flags
2455                 ORIG_TOOLS=$TOOLS
2456                 #
2457                 # SRC was set earlier to point to the source build
2458                 # source tree (e.g., $EXPORT_SRC).
2459                 #
2460                 TOOLS=${SRC}/tools
2461                 TOOLS_PROTO=${TOOLS}/${TOOLS_PROTO_REL}; export TOOLS_PROTO
2462                 build_tools ${TOOLS_PROTO}
2463                 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
2464                         use_tools ${TOOLS_PROTO}
2465                 fi
2466         fi