1 /*
   3  *
   4  * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
   5  * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
   6  * (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance
   7  * with the License.
   8  *
   9  * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
  10  * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
  11  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
  12  * and limitations under the License.
  13  *
  14  * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
  15  * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
  16  * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
  17  * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
  18  * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
  19  *
  21  */
  23 /*
  24  * Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
  25  * Use is subject to license terms.
  26  */
  28 /* Copyright (c) 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 AT&T */
  29 /* All Rights Reserved */
  31 /*
  32  * Portions of this source code were derived from Berkeley 4.3 BSD
  33  * under license from the Regents of the University of California.
  34  */
  36 #pragma ident   "%Z%%M% %I%     %E% SMI"
  38 /*
  39  * Hex encryption/decryption and utility routines
  40  */
  42 #include "mt.h"
  43 #include <stdio.h>
  44 #include <stdlib.h>
  45 #include <sys/types.h>
  46 #include <rpc/rpc.h>
  47 #include <rpc/key_prot.h>   /* for KEYCHECKSUMSIZE */
  48 #include <rpc/des_crypt.h>
  49 #include <string.h>
  50 #include <rpcsvc/nis_dhext.h>
  51 #include <md5.h>
  53 #define MD5HEXSIZE      32
  55 extern int bin2hex(int len, unsigned char *binnum, char *hexnum);
  56 extern int hex2bin(int len, char *hexnum, char *binnum);
  57 static char hex[];      /* forward */
  58 static char hexval();
  60 int passwd2des(char *, char *);
  61 static int weak_DES_key(des_block);
  63 /*
  64  * For export control reasons, we want to limit the maximum size of
  65  * data that can be encrypted or decrypted.  We limit this to 1024
  66  * bits of key data, which amounts to 128 bytes.
  67  *
  68  * For the extended DH project, we have increased it to
  69  * 144 bytes (128key + 16checksum) to accomadate all the 128 bytes
  70  * being used by the new 1024bit keys plus 16 bytes MD5 checksum.
  71  * We discussed this with Sun's export control office and lawyers
  72  * and we have reason to believe this is ok for export.
  73  */
  74 #define MAX_KEY_CRYPT_LEN       144
  76 /*
  77  * Encrypt a secret key given passwd
  78  * The secret key is passed and returned in hex notation.
  79  * Its length must be a multiple of 16 hex digits (64 bits).
  80  */
  81 int
  82 xencrypt(secret, passwd)
  83         char *secret;
  84         char *passwd;
  85 {
  86         char key[8];
  87         char ivec[8];
  88         char *buf;
  89         int err;
  90         int len;
  92         len = (int)strlen(secret) / 2;
  93         if (len > MAX_KEY_CRYPT_LEN)
  94                 return (0);
  95         buf = malloc((unsigned)len);
  96         (void) hex2bin(len, secret, buf);
  97         (void) passwd2des(passwd, key);
  98         (void) memset(ivec, 0, 8);
 100         err = cbc_crypt(key, buf, len, DES_ENCRYPT | DES_HW, ivec);
 101         if (DES_FAILED(err)) {
 102                 free(buf);
 103                 return (0);
 104         }
 105         (void) bin2hex(len, (unsigned char *) buf, secret);
 106         free(buf);
 107         return (1);
 108 }
 110 /*
 111  * Decrypt secret key using passwd
 112  * The secret key is passed and returned in hex notation.
 113  * Once again, the length is a multiple of 16 hex digits
 114  */
 115 int
 116 xdecrypt(secret, passwd)
 117         char *secret;
 118         char *passwd;
 119 {
 120         char key[8];
 121         char ivec[8];
 122         char *buf;
 123         int err;
 124         int len;
 126         len = (int)strlen(secret) / 2;
 127         if (len > MAX_KEY_CRYPT_LEN)
 128                 return (0);
 129         buf = malloc((unsigned)len);
 131         (void) hex2bin(len, secret, buf);
 132         (void) passwd2des(passwd, key);
 133         (void) memset(ivec, 0, 8);
 135         err = cbc_crypt(key, buf, len, DES_DECRYPT | DES_HW, ivec);
 136         if (DES_FAILED(err)) {
 137                 free(buf);
 138                 return (0);
 139         }
 140         (void) bin2hex(len, (unsigned char *) buf, secret);
 141         free(buf);
 142         return (1);
 143 }
 145 /*
 146  * Turn password into DES key
 147  */
 148 int
 149 passwd2des(pw, key)
 150         char *pw;
 151         char *key;
 152 {
 153         int i;
 155         (void) memset(key, 0, 8);
 156         for (i = 0; *pw; i = (i+1) % 8) {
 157                 key[i] ^= *pw++ << 1;
 158         }
 159         des_setparity(key);
 160         return (1);
 161 }
 164 /*
 165  * Hex to binary conversion
 166  */
 167 int
 168 hex2bin(len, hexnum, binnum)
 169         int len;
 170         char *hexnum;
 171         char *binnum;
 172 {
 173         int i;
 175         for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
 176                 *binnum++ = 16 * hexval(hexnum[2 * i]) +
 177                                         hexval(hexnum[2 * i + 1]);
 178         }
 179         return (1);
 180 }
 182 /*
 183  * Binary to hex conversion
 184  */
 185 int
 186 bin2hex(len, binnum, hexnum)
 187         int len;
 188         unsigned char *binnum;
 189         char *hexnum;
 190 {
 191         int i;
 192         unsigned val;
 194         for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
 195                 val = binnum[i];
 196                 hexnum[i*2] = hex[val >> 4];
 197                 hexnum[i*2+1] = hex[val & 0xf];
 198         }
 199         hexnum[len*2] = 0;
 200         return (1);
 201 }
 203 static char hex[16] = {
 204         '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
 205         '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f',
 206 };
 208 static char
 209 hexval(c)
 210         char c;
 211 {
 212         if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
 213                 return (c - '0');
 214         } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') {
 215                 return (c - 'a' + 10);
 216         } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') {
 217                 return (c - 'A' + 10);
 218         } else {
 219                 return (-1);
 220         }
 221 }
 223 /*
 224  * Generic key length/algorithm version of xencrypt().
 225  *
 226  * Encrypt a secret key given passwd.
 227  * The secret key is passed in hex notation.
 228  * Arg encrypted_secret will be set to point to the encrypted
 229  * secret key (NUL term, hex notation).
 230  *
 231  * Its length must be a multiple of 16 hex digits (64 bits).
 232  *
 233  * For 192-0 (AUTH_DES), then encrypt using the same method as xencrypt().
 234  *
 235  * If arg do_chksum is TRUE, append the checksum before the encrypt.
 236  * For 192-0, the checksum is done the same as in xencrypt().  For
 237  * bigger keys, MD5 is used.
 238  *
 239  * Arg netname can be NULL for 192-0.
 240  */
 241 int
 242 xencrypt_g(
 243         char *secret,                   /* in  */
 244         keylen_t keylen,                /* in  */
 245         algtype_t algtype,              /* in  */
 246         const char *passwd,             /* in  */
 247         const char netname[],           /* in  */
 248         char **encrypted_secret,        /* out */
 249         bool_t do_chksum)               /* in  */
 250 {
 251         des_block key;
 252         char ivec[8];
 253         char *binkeybuf;
 254         int err;
 255         const int classic_des = keylen == 192 && algtype == 0;
 256         const int hexkeybytes = BITS2NIBBLES(keylen);
 257         const int keychecksumsize = classic_des ? KEYCHECKSUMSIZE : MD5HEXSIZE;
 258         const int binkeybytes = do_chksum ? keylen/8 + keychecksumsize/2 :
 259                 keylen/8;
 260         const int bufsize = do_chksum ? hexkeybytes + keychecksumsize + 1 :
 261                 hexkeybytes + 1;
 262         char *hexkeybuf;
 264         if (!secret || !keylen || !passwd || !encrypted_secret)
 265                 return (0);
 267         if ((hexkeybuf = malloc(bufsize)) == 0)
 268                 return (0);
 270         (void) memcpy(hexkeybuf, secret, hexkeybytes);
 271         if (do_chksum)
 272                 if (classic_des) {
 273                         (void) memcpy(hexkeybuf + hexkeybytes, secret,
 274                                         keychecksumsize);
 275                 } else {
 276                         MD5_CTX md5_ctx;
 277                         char md5hexbuf[MD5HEXSIZE + 1] = {0};
 278                         uint8_t digest[MD5HEXSIZE/2];
 280                         MD5Init(&md5_ctx);
 281                         MD5Update(&md5_ctx, (unsigned char *)hexkeybuf,
 282                                         hexkeybytes);
 283                         MD5Final(digest, &md5_ctx);
 285                         /* convert md5 binary digest to hex */
 286                         (void) bin2hex(MD5HEXSIZE/2, digest, md5hexbuf);
 288                         /* append the hex md5 string to the end of the key */
 289                         (void) memcpy(hexkeybuf + hexkeybytes,
 290                                         (void *)md5hexbuf, MD5HEXSIZE);
 291                 }
 292         hexkeybuf[bufsize - 1] = 0;
 294         if (binkeybytes > MAX_KEY_CRYPT_LEN) {
 295                 free(hexkeybuf);
 296                 return (0);
 297         }
 298         if ((binkeybuf = malloc((unsigned)binkeybytes)) == 0) {
 299                 free(hexkeybuf);
 300                 return (0);
 301         }
 303         (void) hex2bin(binkeybytes, hexkeybuf, binkeybuf);
 304         if (classic_des)
 305                 (void) passwd2des((char *)passwd, key.c);
 306         else
 307                 if (netname)
 308                         (void) passwd2des_g(passwd, netname,
 309                                         (int)strlen(netname), &key, FALSE);
 310                 else {
 311                         free(hexkeybuf);
 312                         return (0);
 313                 }
 315         (void) memset(ivec, 0, 8);
 317         err = cbc_crypt(key.c, binkeybuf, binkeybytes, DES_ENCRYPT | DES_HW,
 318                         ivec);
 319         if (DES_FAILED(err)) {
 320                 free(hexkeybuf);
 321                 free(binkeybuf);
 322                 return (0);
 323         }
 324         (void) bin2hex(binkeybytes, (unsigned char *) binkeybuf, hexkeybuf);
 325         free(binkeybuf);
 326         *encrypted_secret = hexkeybuf;
 327         return (1);
 328 }
 330 /*
 331  * Generic key len and alg type for version of xdecrypt.
 332  *
 333  * Decrypt secret key using passwd.  The decrypted secret key
 334  * *overwrites* the supplied encrypted secret key.
 335  * The secret key is passed and returned in hex notation.
 336  * Once again, the length is a multiple of 16 hex digits.
 337  *
 338  * If 'do_chksum' is TRUE, the 'secret' buffer is assumed to contain
 339  * a checksum calculated by a call to xencrypt_g().
 340  *
 341  * If keylen is 192 and algtype is 0, then decrypt the same way
 342  * as xdecrypt().
 343  *
 344  * Arg netname can be NULL for 192-0.
 345  */
 346 int
 347 xdecrypt_g(
 348         char *secret,           /* out  */
 349         int keylen,             /* in  */
 350         int algtype,            /* in  */
 351         const char *passwd,     /* in  */
 352         const char netname[],   /* in  */
 353         bool_t do_chksum)       /* in  */
 354 {
 355         des_block key;
 356         char ivec[8];
 357         char *buf;
 358         int err;
 359         int len;
 360         const int classic_des = keylen == 192 && algtype == 0;
 361         const int hexkeybytes = BITS2NIBBLES(keylen);
 362         const int keychecksumsize = classic_des ? KEYCHECKSUMSIZE : MD5HEXSIZE;
 364         len = (int)strlen(secret) / 2;
 365         if (len > MAX_KEY_CRYPT_LEN)
 366                 return (0);
 367         if ((buf = malloc((unsigned)len)) == 0)
 368                 return (0);
 370         (void) hex2bin(len, secret, buf);
 371         if (classic_des)
 372                 (void) passwd2des((char *)passwd, key.c);
 373         else
 374                 if (netname)
 375                         (void) passwd2des_g(passwd, netname,
 376                                         (int)strlen(netname), &key, FALSE);
 377                 else {
 378                         free(buf);
 379                         return (0);
 380                 }
 381         (void) memset(ivec, 0, 8);
 383         err = cbc_crypt(key.c, buf, len, DES_DECRYPT | DES_HW, ivec);
 384         if (DES_FAILED(err)) {
 385                 free(buf);
 386                 return (0);
 387         }
 388         (void) bin2hex(len, (unsigned char *) buf, secret);
 389         free(buf);
 391         if (do_chksum)
 392                 if (classic_des) {
 393                         if (memcmp(secret, &(secret[hexkeybytes]),
 394                                         keychecksumsize) != 0) {
 395                                 secret[0] = 0;
 396                                 return (0);
 397                         }
 398                 } else {
 399                         MD5_CTX md5_ctx;
 400                         char md5hexbuf[MD5HEXSIZE + 1] = {0};
 401                         uint8_t digest[MD5HEXSIZE/2];
 403                         MD5Init(&md5_ctx);
 404                         MD5Update(&md5_ctx, (unsigned char *)secret,
 405                                         hexkeybytes);
 406                         MD5Final(digest, &md5_ctx);
 408                         /* convert md5 binary digest to hex */
 409                         (void) bin2hex(MD5HEXSIZE/2, digest, md5hexbuf);
 411                         /* does the digest match the appended one? */
 412                         if (memcmp(&(secret[hexkeybytes]),
 413                                         md5hexbuf, MD5HEXSIZE) != 0) {
 414                                 secret[0] = 0;
 415                                 return (0);
 416                         }
 417                 }
 419         secret[hexkeybytes] = '\0';
 421         return (1);
 422 }
 425 /*
 426  * Modified version of passwd2des(). passwd2des_g() uses the Kerberos
 427  * RFC 1510 algorithm to generate a DES key from a user password
 428  * and mix-in string. The mix-in is expected to be the netname.
 429  * This function to be used only for extended Diffie-Hellman keys.
 430  *
 431  * If altarg is TRUE, reverse the concat of passwd and mix-in.
 432  */
 433 int
 434 passwd2des_g(
 435         const char *pw,
 436         const char *mixin,
 437         int len,
 438         des_block *key, /* out */
 439         bool_t altalg)
 440 {
 442         int  i, j, incr = 1;
 443         des_block ivec, tkey;
 444         char *text;
 445         int  plen, tlen;
 447         (void) memset(tkey.c, 0, 8);
 448         (void) memset(ivec.c, 0, 8);
 451 /*
 452  * Concatentate the password and the mix-in string, fan-fold and XOR them
 453  * to the required eight byte initial DES key. Since passwords can be
 454  * expected to use mostly seven bit ASCII, left shift the password one
 455  * bit in order to preserve as much key space as possible.
 456  */
 458 #define KEYLEN sizeof (tkey.c)
 459         plen = strlen(pw);
 460         tlen = ((plen + len + (KEYLEN-1))/KEYLEN)*KEYLEN;
 461         if ((text = malloc(tlen)) == NULL) {
 462                 return (0);
 463         }
 465         (void) memset(text, 0, tlen);
 467         if (!altalg) {
 469 /*
 470  * Concatenate the password and the mix-in string, fan-fold and XOR them
 471  * to the required eight byte initial DES key. Since passwords can be
 472  * expected to use mostly seven bit ASCII, left shift the password one
 473  * bit in order to preserve as much key space as possible.
 474  */
 475                 (void) memcpy(text, pw, plen);
 476                 (void) memcpy(&text[plen], mixin, len);
 478                 for (i = 0, j = 0; pw[j]; j++) {
 479                         tkey.c[i] ^= pw[j] << 1;
 480                         i += incr;
 481                         if (i == 8) {
 482                                 i = 7;
 483                                 incr = -incr;
 484                         } else if (i == -1) {
 485                                 i = 0;
 486                                 incr = -incr;
 487                         }
 488                 }
 490                 for (j = 0; j < len; j++) {
 491                         tkey.c[i] ^= mixin[j];
 492                         i += incr;
 493                         if (i == 8) {
 494                                 i = 7;
 495                                 incr = -incr;
 496                         } else if (i == -1) {
 497                                 i = 0;
 498                                 incr = -incr;
 499                         }
 500                 }
 501         } else {  /* use alternative algorithm */
 502                 (void) memcpy(text, mixin, len);
 503                 (void) memcpy(&text[len], pw, plen);
 505                 for (i = 0, j = 0; j < len; j++) {
 506                         tkey.c[i] ^= mixin[j];
 507                         i += incr;
 508                         if (i == 8) {
 509                                 i = 7;
 510                                 incr = -incr;
 511                         } else if (i == -1) {
 512                                 i = 0;
 513                                 incr = -incr;
 514                         }
 515                 }
 517                 for (j = 0; pw[j]; j++) {
 518                         tkey.c[i] ^= pw[j] << 1;
 519                         i += incr;
 520                         if (i == 8) {
 521                                 i = 7;
 522                                 incr = -incr;
 523                         } else if (i == -1) {
 524                                 i = 0;
 525                                 incr = -incr;
 526                         }
 527                 }
 528         }
 529         des_setparity_g(&tkey);
 531         /*
 532          * Use the temporary key to produce a DES CBC checksum for the text
 533          * string; cbc_crypt returns the checksum in the ivec.
 534          */
 535         (void) cbc_crypt(tkey.c, text, tlen, DES_ENCRYPT|DES_HW, ivec.c);
 536         des_setparity_g(&ivec);
 537         free(text);
 539         if (weak_DES_key(ivec)) {
 540                 ivec.c[7] ^= 0xf0;
 541                 /*
 542                  *  XORing with 0xf0 preserves parity, so no need to check
 543                  *  that again.
 544                  */
 545         }
 547         (void) memcpy((*key).c, ivec.c, sizeof (ivec.c));
 549         return (1);
 551 }
 553 struct DESkey {
 554         uint32_t h1;
 555         uint32_t h2;
 556 };
 558 /*
 559  * Weak and semiweak keys from "Applied Cryptography", second edition,
 560  * by Bruce Schneier, Wiley 1996.
 561  */
 562 static struct DESkey weakDESkeys[] = {
 563         /* Weak keys */
 564         {0x01010101, 0x01010101},
 565         {0x1f1f1f1f, 0x1f1f1f1f},
 566         {0xe0e0e0e0, 0xe0e0e0e0},
 567         {0xfefefefe, 0xfefefefe},
 568         /* Semiweak keys */
 569         {0x01fe01fe, 0x01fe01fe},
 570         {0x1fe01fe0, 0x0ef10ef1},
 571         {0x01e001e0, 0x01f101f1},
 572         {0x1ffe1ffe, 0x0efe0efe},
 573         {0x011f011f, 0x010e010e},
 574         {0xe0fee0fe, 0xf1fef1fe},
 575         {0xfe01fe01, 0xfe01fe01},
 576         {0xe01fe01f, 0xf10ef10e},
 577         {0xe001e001, 0xf101f101},
 578         {0xfe1ffe1f, 0xfe0efe0e},
 579         {0x1f011f01, 0x0e010e01},
 580         {0xfee0fee0, 0xfef1fef1}
 581 };
 583 static int
 584 weak_DES_key(des_block db)
 585 {
 586         int i;
 588         for (i = 0; i < sizeof (weakDESkeys)/sizeof (struct DESkey); i++) {
 589                 if (weakDESkeys[i].h1 == db.key.high &&
 590                         weakDESkeys[i].h2 == db.key.low)
 591                         return (1);
 592         }
 594         return (0);
 595 }