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4809 NANOSEC should be 'long long' to avoid integer overflow bugs
4810 spa_async_tasks_pending suffers from an integer overflow bug
4811 in.mpathd: tv2ns suffers from an integer overflow bug
Reviewed by: Marcel Telka <>

@@ -232,11 +232,11 @@
  *      Definitions for commonly used resolutions.
 #define SEC             1
 #define MILLISEC        1000
 #define MICROSEC        1000000
-#define NANOSEC         1000000000
+#define NANOSEC         1000000000LL
 #define MSEC2NSEC(m)    ((hrtime_t)(m) * (NANOSEC / MILLISEC))
 #define NSEC2MSEC(n)    ((n) / (NANOSEC / MILLISEC))
 #endif /* !defined(__XOPEN_OR_POSIX) || defined(__EXTENSIONS__) */