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4787 ipf: remove rate_limit_message

1275                 icmp->icmp_ip.ip_len = htons(icmp->icmp_ip.ip_len);
1276                 icmp->icmp_ip.ip_off = htons(icmp->icmp_ip.ip_off);
1277                 icmp->icmp_cksum = ipf_cksum((u_short *)icmp,
1278                                              sz - sizeof(ip_t));
1279         }
1281         /*
1282          * Need to exit out of these so we don't recursively call rw_enter
1283          * from fr_qout.
1284          */
1285         return fr_send_ip(fin, m, &m);
1286 }
1288 #include <sys/time.h>
1289 #include <sys/varargs.h>
1291 #ifndef _KERNEL
1292 #include <stdio.h>
1293 #endif
1295 #define NULLADDR_RATE_LIMIT 10  /* 10 seconds */
1298 /*
1299  * Print out warning message at rate-limited speed.
1300  */
1301 static void rate_limit_message(ipf_stack_t *ifs,
1302                                int rate, const char *message, ...)
1303 {
1304         static time_t last_time = 0;
1305         time_t now;
1306         va_list args;
1307         char msg_buf[256];
1308         int  need_printed = 0;
1310         now = ddi_get_time();
1312         /* make sure, no multiple entries */
1313         ASSERT(MUTEX_NOT_HELD(&(ifs->ifs_ipf_rw.ipf_lk)));
1314         MUTEX_ENTER(&ifs->ifs_ipf_rw);
1315         if (now - last_time >= rate) {
1316                 need_printed = 1;
1317                 last_time = now;
1318         }
1319         MUTEX_EXIT(&ifs->ifs_ipf_rw);
1321         if (need_printed) {
1322                 va_start(args, message);
1323                 (void)vsnprintf(msg_buf, 255, message, args);
1324                 va_end(args);
1325 #ifdef _KERNEL
1326                 cmn_err(CE_WARN, msg_buf);
1327 #else
1328                 fprintf(std_err, msg_buf);
1329 #endif
1330         }
1331 }
1333 /*
1334  * Return the first IP Address associated with an interface
1335  * For IPv6, we walk through the list of logical interfaces and return
1336  * the address of the first one that isn't a link-local interface.
1337  * We can't assume that it is :1 because another link-local address
1338  * may have been assigned there.
1339  */
1340 /*ARGSUSED*/
1341 int fr_ifpaddr(v, atype, ifptr, inp, inpmask, ifs)
1342 int v, atype;
1343 void *ifptr;
1344 struct in_addr  *inp, *inpmask;
1345 ipf_stack_t *ifs;
1346 {
1347         struct sockaddr_in6 v6addr[2];
1348         struct sockaddr_in v4addr[2];
1349         net_ifaddr_t type[2];
1350         net_handle_t net_data;
1351         phy_if_t phyif;
1352         void *array;

1275                 icmp->icmp_ip.ip_len = htons(icmp->icmp_ip.ip_len);
1276                 icmp->icmp_ip.ip_off = htons(icmp->icmp_ip.ip_off);
1277                 icmp->icmp_cksum = ipf_cksum((u_short *)icmp,
1278                                              sz - sizeof(ip_t));
1279         }
1281         /*
1282          * Need to exit out of these so we don't recursively call rw_enter
1283          * from fr_qout.
1284          */
1285         return fr_send_ip(fin, m, &m);
1286 }
1288 #include <sys/time.h>
1289 #include <sys/varargs.h>
1291 #ifndef _KERNEL
1292 #include <stdio.h>
1293 #endif

1295 /*
1296  * Return the first IP Address associated with an interface
1297  * For IPv6, we walk through the list of logical interfaces and return
1298  * the address of the first one that isn't a link-local interface.
1299  * We can't assume that it is :1 because another link-local address
1300  * may have been assigned there.
1301  */
1302 /*ARGSUSED*/
1303 int fr_ifpaddr(v, atype, ifptr, inp, inpmask, ifs)
1304 int v, atype;
1305 void *ifptr;
1306 struct in_addr  *inp, *inpmask;
1307 ipf_stack_t *ifs;
1308 {
1309         struct sockaddr_in6 v6addr[2];
1310         struct sockaddr_in v4addr[2];
1311         net_ifaddr_t type[2];
1312         net_handle_t net_data;
1313         phy_if_t phyif;
1314         void *array;