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@@ -59,16 +59,10 @@
 # CLOSED_CLONE_WS is the workspace from which nightly should acquire
 # the usr/closed tree.
 CLOSED_CLONE_WS="${CLONE_WS}/usr/closed";       export CLOSED_CLONE_WS
-# This flag controls whether to build the closed source.  If
-# undefined, nightly(1) and bldenv(1) will set it according to whether
-# the closed source tree is present.  CLOSED_IS_PRESENT="no" means not
-# building the closed sources.
-# CLOSED_IS_PRESENT="yes";              export CLOSED_IS_PRESENT
 # The bringover, if any, is done as STAFFER.
 # Set STAFFER to your own login as gatekeeper or developer
 # The point is to use group "staff" and avoid referencing the parent
 # workspace as root.
 # Some scripts optionally send mail messages to MAILTO.