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          --- old/usr/src/pkg/Makefile.lic
          +++ new/usr/src/pkg/Makefile.lic
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  34   34  
  35   35  #
  36   36  # For license files in the open source tree, always copy them from src
  37   37  # into the license staging directory in the proto area
  38   38  #
  39   39  $(LICROOT)/usr/src/%: $(CODEMGR_WS)/usr/src/%
  40   40          $(PKGDEBUG)if [ ! -d $(@D) ]; then mkdir -p $(@D); fi
  41   41          $(PKGDEBUG)$(INS.file)
  42   42  
  43   43  #
  44      -# For license files in the closed source tree, the desired action
  45      -# depends on the type of build.
       44 +# A build without closed source relies on closed-bins extraction to stage
       45 +# the license file and does nothing here.
  46   46  #
  47      -# 1. For a normal build, with closed source present, simply copy the
  48      -#    file into the license staging directory.
  49      -#
  50      -# 2. For a Tonic build, copy the file into both open and closed
  51      -#    license staging directories.
  52      -#
  53      -# 3. For a build without closed source, rely on closed-bins extraction
  54      -#    to stage the license file, and do nothing here.
  55      -#
  56      -$(TONICBUILD)INS= install -O
  57      -$(LICROOT)/usr/closed/%: $(CLOSED_BUILD) $(CODEMGR_WS)/usr/closed/%
  58      -        $(CLOSED_BUILD)$(PKGDEBUG) \
       47 +$(LICROOT)/usr/closed/%:
  59   48          if [ ! -d $(@D) ]; then \
  60   49                  mkdir -p $(@D); \
  61   50          fi; \
  62      -        $(TONICBUILD) $(RM) $(@:$(ROOT)/%=$(CLOSEDROOT)/%)
  63      -        $(CLOSED_BUILD)$(PKGDEBUG)$(INS.file)